Friday, June 10, 2011

before i start my homework this morning:

i got jspahr's new book in the mail this morning.  god i adore her.  i wish i could tell her how awesome i think she is, without seeming like a creeper.  *sigh.*

i'm at b&b.  which i kind of loathe, but is the best place to study.

i'm reading The Body in Pain: the making and unmaking of the world, which i think should be required reading for every single person ever born.  it is fantastic.  i want to talk about it in detail, but there's too much and i'm too inarticulate this morning (/always) and i wouldn't do it any justice.  but it completely shifts my most basic understanding, of everything.  which is painful.  but also awesome.  when i finish my annotation, i'll post it here--unless it's just awful.

the part i'm reading right now is all about the old testament, which of course i find fascinating.

good morning orphansparrow!  good morning I AM!

i love that we all write blogs and read each others blogs, it makes me so happy.  it's kind of like letters.  i love you guys!

added to my list of authors:  anne carson, julie carr (did i say her, before?), bhanu kapil.  and i absolutely cannot get jenny boully out of my head, i don't know why.  i'm totally in love.  one of the blurbs i read about her was something like, "it's so nice to read someone who believes so fully in love"  [i'm paraphrasing terribly, but that's the general idea]  and there is something about her that seems to, if not believe in love, at least let herself fall in love, and fall in love with falling in love.  i love it because she doesn't seem to have all the bitter edges of holding back out of fear, out of expecting to be broken hearted, and she seems to be fully in the broken heartedness when it comes, but still not bitter, and still somehow in love.  it seems so unabashed.  and like, she's not trying to be smarter than the experience.  [sorry, this is how inarticulate i am!]

okay, i'm going to go read now.

love!  =^^=


I AM June 10, 2011 at 8:52 PM  

So much love for you too!!!! xoxoxoxo!

I love that we all have/read/etc. each other's blogs too. They're like love letters. Sigh. I love you both.

Good evening!!

cara June 11, 2011 at 10:39 PM  

aw! i love you both too! <3

i like how you described jenny boully so much. (if you were being inarticulate, it works for me totally. it must be the way my brain works, but i feel like i got what you said completely). i will have to look her up. the way you described her is something i absolutely love in people, and aim for myself. i notice the less bitter i am, the easier i feel in love, and the easier my heart breaks..all of it.


i'm happy we are all talking. ^_^

Flores e Flowers


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